RAISED PANEL Garage door

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Raised Panel Garage Door

*Not all colors are available in all models

Woodtones or Real Wood?

You love the look of wood but with so many options, it can be hard to know where to begin choosing a Raised Panel Garage Door. We’ve made it easy to find the perfect garage door for your home.

Raised Panel Garage Door


Short Panel
Short Panel
2250 2240 2255 2251 2241 2283 2206 2216
Long Panel
Long Panel
4250 4240 4255 4251 4241 4283 4206 4216
Insulation Type No Insulation No Insulation 9/16″ Polystyrene 1 3/8″ Polystyrene 1 3/8″ Polystyrene 1 13/16″ Polystyrene 1 3/8″ Polyurethane 1 7/8″ Polyurethane
R-Value 3.56 7.94 7.94 9.65 13.40 17.19
Construction Type Standard Heavy Duty Standard Standard Heavy Duty Medium Duty Medium Duty Heavy Duty
Available Color Options
White N N N N N N N N
Almond N N N N N N N N
Sandstone N N N N N N N N
Brown N N N N N N N
Bronze N N N N N
Gray N N N N N
Evergreen N N N N
Desert Tan N N N N N
Black N N N N N
Painted Woodtones N N N
Accents Woodtones N N
Designer Glass N N N

Image Gallery

white with optional Stockton Window

Short Raised Panel shown in white with optional Stockton Window Inserts.

Gray with optional Stockton Window

Short Raised Panel shown in Gray with optional Stockton Window Inserts.

White with optional 8 piece

Short Raised Panel shown in White with optional 8 pieces Sunburst Window Inserts.


Short Raised Panel shown in Almond.

Almond long

Long Raised Panel shown in Almond.


Long Raised Panel shown in Sandstone with optional Cascade Window Inserts.

Download theRaised Panel Garage Door brochure for in-depth model specifications, glass options and available customizations